Saturday, November 25, 2006

Welcome all to Thomo Time...this is our first venture into Blogg world, so please excuse any mistakes...Brad is also not here to check spelling or grammar, so the blame solely has to rest with me....what a surprise.

Well what a month. November brought our beautiful boy Harrison turning one, his first attempts at walking and celebrating his first birthday party. A pirate party at that!! Thanks to all the family who so willingly... came dressed in costume, the outfits will long be remembered...Mark Fry!!!

Below are some photos of the big event, have a laugh at our expense, don't worry we all did to.

Pirate Harry & Mummy

Daddy & Grandma


Deb, Mel & Renee

Mark & Sarah

Michelle, Shane & Simon

Hannah & Scott

Mark, Mish, Dames, Jess & Hunter

Mal, Lewis & Kath

Almost everyone, including Emma in the middle

Melinda, Esther, Marilyn, Del, Sam, Dirk & Greg

And may I say one pretty fantastic pirate cake